Brave new shopping world

Shopping independently of opening hours – that’s what more and more customers want. This presents stationary retail with enormous challenges. With Comydo, new solutions can be implemented regarding the collection and delivery of goods, with which you can remain competitive and retain customers in the long term.


New sales channels

Realize sales opportunities with Comydo, such as pick-up stations or click & collect solutions that make you less dependent on opening hours.


Simple management

Management is done via a well-organized portal that gives you full control. If desired, integration into existing booking systems or apps is possible.


Smart goods delivery

Comydo can not only be used to collect goods, but also to simplify access to warehouses for suppliers – without any additional personnel effort.


Flexible billing

Comydo can be adapted exactly to the needs of your company – this also applies to billing. We advise you individually and deliver a customized one-stop solution.

How Comydo works

A scanner, a lean management portal and the QR codes stored in it. That’s all you need to use Comydo.

1. shopping & payment

Your customer makes a purchase in your store or in the online shop. After the order is placed, the goods will be deposited for pickup at a location of your choice.

2. get access code

Upon payment, Comydo automatically generates a QR code. This will be sent as an e-mail to the customer’s address.

3. pick up goods

On site the customer can hold the email with the QR code in front of the scanner and gets access to his order. Done!

1. shopping & payment

Your customer makes a purchase in your store or in the online shop. After the order is placed, the goods will be deposited for pickup at a location of your choice.

2. get access code

Upon payment, Comydo automatically generates a QR code. This will be sent as an e-mail to the customer’s address.

3. pick up goods

On site the customer can hold the email with the QR code in front of the scanner and gets access to his order. Done!

"The integration into your own apps makes Comydo particularly versatile. This not only excites our partners, but also their customers."

Felix Ueckermann, Co-Founder of Comydo

Jeder Code ist maßgeschneidert

Die QR-Codes, mit denen Ihre Kunden Zugang zu ihrer Bestellung erhalten, werden im Online-Verwaltungsportal generiert und automatisch versandt. Trotzdem können Sie genau definieren, wie lange und für welche Bereiche die Codes gültig sind. Außerdem überwacht ein automatisches Monitoring die genutzten Codes – für volle Kontrolle über alle Zutritte.

Bereit für die 24h-Filiale

Durch die automatische Generierung der Codes lassen sich mit Comydo neue Absatzwege abseits der gewohnten Öffnungszeiten umsetzen. Alles was Sie brauchen ist ein Abholbereich oder eine entsprechende Station. Gerne entwickeln wir mit Ihnen gemeinsam ein Zugangskonzept, dass zu Ihnen und Ihrer Ladenfläche passt.

Volle Integration in Ihr System

Auf Wunsch stehen alle Kernfunktionen von Comydo per API-Schnittstelle zur Verfügung. So lassen sich auch bestehende Bonuskarten und Kunden-Apps mit dem System kombinieren. Das macht die Verwaltung noch einfacher – und verschafft Ihrem Geschäft einen Wettbewerbsvorteil.
Bildschirm mit VerwaltungsportalComydo NahaufnahmeiPhone mit QR CodeApple Watch mit QR Code

A lean system with a big impact.

Whether you want to secure a pick-up station or an entire area for goods delivery and collection, Comydo can be easily adapted to the situation and is therefore versatile. Upon request, we will be happy to discuss with you how you can use Comydo in your stores.

More about Comydo

Experience the system in action.

For Corporates

With Comydo you can efficiently control the access to your buildings for service personnel, parcel carriers or service providers.

Mehr erfahren

In real estate

With Comydo you can efficiently control the access to your buildings for service personnel, parcel carriers or service providers.

Mehr erfahren

Ready when you are.

Do you have questions or already a specific idea? Do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to your inquiry.

040 22 865 66 53
